Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Another wonderful review of "How to make Victoria Sponge".

As written on Goodreads and Amazon.com 

Margaret Kazmierczak's book How to make Victoria Sponge was incredibly compelling. I fell in love with the Sponge family. The character, Victoria Sponge, continually responds to life's messiness with love and grace. In the most heart wrenching moments in the book, especially after her son Johnny is maliciously bullied at school, Vicki turns to Jesus so his love can smooth over all the rough spots. I found myself laughing and crying about the daily events this family came up against, yet how graciously Bob and Victoria (the mother and father) responded to their children and to their day-to-day challenges. One quote that was highlighted to me in the book was when, after a really traumatizing day, Victoria says, "may I have planted [Jesus'] seed into the lives of others through my work and actions, so that when [Jesus'] rain shines upon them they produce a rich harvest." To me, this is the theme of the book--seeds being planted even on the weariest of days. Nothing can interfere with Christ's love being lived out on a day-to-day basis. On her most gritty day, Victoria has her evening prayer and Jesus says to her, "Vicki, I asked you to be with me in the Garden of Gethsemane, to stay awake and be of comfort to me in my time of anguish. You were not found asleep or failing in your response." Vicki then asks, "When was I in Gethsemane Lord?" He gently responds, "When you listened to your son's anguish I was weeping too and when your heart was breaking at the sight of your son's agony, my sweat fell to the ground like great drops of blood." Victoria's intimacy with Jesus during her most trying moments is what made me love this book so much. We can all find ourselves in this book, and in doing so we can live our lives differently, full of grace and hope and love even during despairing times. I would highly recommend getting to know the Sponge family in this beautifully written book.

Friday, 24 October 2014

The first shall be last....

"Oh Lord, I understand that the first shall be last and the last shall be first. But could you organise a warm shower for  me just for  once? I have served my family this morning and the least I ask for is a little bit of consideration. You said ask and you shall receive, well I am asking for a shower with hot water. It's not much!"

This is an exert from my book "How to make Victoria Sponge."

I think we can all identify with this little scenario!

God bless


Thursday, 23 October 2014

Words - choose wisely what you read.

Having recently done a couple of book reviews I have been very aware that the printed word has the potential to damage or uplift. Those first words of 'I liked the book' or 'I could not get on with this book' could lead the reader into either deciding to purchase the material or not. 

Sometimes the message is personal and only the reader can decide if the book is right for them, so a judgement for all is rather shaky. If we rely on reviews then we may never read the book that might change our lives. 

What if an atheist read the Bible? His/her review would be very different from a Christian reading it, or indeed someone seeking God. 

Books are personal preferences. Most of the books that I read are from personal recommendation rather than written reviews. That is probably because I am specific about what I read as I value what enters my personal space, and want only words that uplift and not damage. 

I have recently read a book that I am struggling with to review because it has elements in it, that as a Christian, I don't subscribe to. The damage of suggestion is very real and because it comes under the banner of Christian can lead the reader astray. 

I feel that when doing a review we must be true to ourselves and our values and relate that to the reader, so that they then can make up their own mind if the book will speak to them in the way that is helpful rather than harmful to them.

When we buy other merchandise for ourselves we try to be discernible. Therefore because words are powerful motivators or destructive demotivators they can sink into our subconscious, it is important to surround ourselves with messages that uplift the soul and help us to sing. As spiritual beings we need feeding, and it is important that we eat healthily. 

Music is a classic example it can uplift you when you are struggling and bring you to a better place if you listen to the right message. On the other hand it can also lead you to the depths of despair when it is moody and dark. So it is with reading and even more importantly with our lives. 

As a christian delving into things that are not Christ centered is a problem. Our lives are spiritual and we need to discern  our reading matter. I am not saying that we should not be eclectic, however we need to aware that the printed word seeps into areas of our mind and can influence us. 

I love reading and enjoy a range of styles and genres. I celebrate authors and their talents. There are some that I would not touch with a barge pole because their books are dark. But that is my personal preference. My rule of thumb is 'how do I feel once I have read a book?'. Am I encouraged, motivated, enthused, happy, hopeful, or did it make me feel, helpless, hopeless, on edge, dis at ease, or uncomfortable deep down. 

A review in a way, if it is honest, can help a prospective reader decide if that particular book is going to be helpful for them, like a healthy meal. Or if it is going to be something that might make them feel dis at ease. Of course this is a 'feeling' perspective and those that are 'thinking' people will probably decide what I have written is rubbish!  I can live with that.

Words - choose wisely what you read.

Margaret (author of How to make Victoria Sponge)

Monday, 20 October 2014

Goodreads giveaway

I have had an interesting time using the Goodreads giveaway. For the past week I have watched as people have entered the giveaway draw for my book, with the hope that they might win a book for free. 

I as usual, got the wrong end of the stick, and thought that I would have some input as to who would win the book. So each evening I looked at the profiles and either ticked or crossed out those that seemed to genuinely want to read my book, and those that were just out to get a freebie.

Out of 446 hopefuls, I found 14 who read Christian fiction! I also had a favourite who I really thought would embrace my book. This was the person I wanted to send my freebie to. 

The final day came and I was informed that a winner had been chosen. Then I realized that I had no say in the matter and was just needed to send off the copy to the name and address supplied. The person was not on my list of possibles, not even on my probables. I went back to look at the profile and realized that I had been only looking for a Christian who openly proclaimed that they were. Therefore I was doing a disservice to those that might be, but didn't declare it, or those that were not but might be searching. 

Who in the end was I to choose. I had offered my book, that was the agreement. I judged all of those 446 people with my opinion, which was bias and calculating as I wanted to find someone who would do a good review because it was a book that they were interested in. 

What about all those others? Was Jesus calculating in who He chose as disciples? Was he bias in who he called to follow Him? Did He just give His book to those that would read and digest it because He knew that they would give Him a good review? 

Maybe the person who was the winner needs this book more than the person I had chosen? I apologize if you were the person that won my book. I sincerely hope that you enjoy it and that the message is one that uplifts you and brings you closer to our Father in Heaven. Or if you do not know Him, you will have found a Friend to turn to as and when you need to. 

Yes of course I love good reviews. But sometimes we need to take a step backwards and ask who are we doing these things for, us or God? I have said from the start that my book is to promote God and not me, perhaps I need to listen to my own teaching on this matter!

Thank you Father for this lesson. 

God bless



Thursday, 16 October 2014


It is hard to be rejected when your heart is in the right place and your thoughts are only to offer others a slice of something that will encourage and bless the person(s) who will read the contents of your offerings.

Such was a recent experience when I approached a Christian magazine who only saw my attempt as one of blatant advertising of my product. And my crime, asking if the magazine would like a free copy for them to review. The answer was abrupt, 'no we do not want to review your book', and as an afterthought 'but we wish you the best with it'. 

I can almost hear the Pharisees and the High Priests saying the same thing to Jesus. 'No we don't want to hear your message, but good luck with the Kingdom thing'.  

How can you know if something is for you if you don't even give it a try? If you don't open the book and read it. The same can be said of the Bible. Once you have read it (or feasted on the fruit of the content) then surely you are in a better position to make a decision. 

People rejected Jesus and He had a Kingdom to offer, so it isn't surprising that a humble first time author will be rejected. What did he do with the rejection? He carried it to cross and by His blood it was set free. Hope for me then! 

God bless 


Thursday, 9 October 2014

An alternative bio.

It seems to me that bio's are often very boring or so amazing that you wonder if the writer is superman or superwoman. So when I decided to do an Author bio on Amazon to try and introduce myself, I decided to write something a little different. At best it might encourage people to think that maybe this author was unique and worth  a shot at reading her book, and at worst, they would just dismiss me as a silly fool. Either way the message would at least get looked at.

So before you go rushing off to find this particular bio, I shall save you the time and just copy and paste it to this page. See what you think - Margaret.

 Margaret Kazmierczak was born in 1958, fortunately she has not died yet, that is why she has written her first novel "How to make Victoria Sponge". Born of two parents she is the only daughter of four children. A definite tom boy as a child, Margaret grew up in South West England where she played football endlessly with her brothers. She eventually won a medal doing what she did best - kicking a ball.
Margaret has had a full life and eventually succumbed to marrying and producing three children of her own. She loved telling her own stories to her children and encouraged them to help with the plots. This love of story telling finally became a reality when her first novel was published in September 2014. So instead of kicking a ball, Margaret was kicking words around, passing, dribbling and eventually scoring the winner.
If you ever bump into Margaret and ask her a question she will probably answer with a playful anecdote, as something is always happening in her life that creates a script of humourous outcomes.
It would have been rude for Margaret to have written something dry and crusty. Her sense of humour forbade her to write a documentary, or a factual account of the plight of the planet. Her faith lived out in day to day commotion afforded itself to a 'slightly' different perspective on life. Hence a Christian fiction novel was born about a lady called Victoria Sponge. And no is not a cookery book. It is a funny, thought provoking, tender, faith filled, at times painful journey that takes place during one week. The book kicks around with the true concept that God is our father and friend who walks with us during our day to day tasks. Victoria's household is chaotic, caring and central to the message of the book.

A Jewel in the Sponge - Johnny's story

So far I have not mentioned the 'added extra' that comes at the back of the book "How to make Victoria Sponge." 

Once I had finished Vicki's account of her week, I knew that Johnny's story needed to be told as well in order to encourage other's who struggle with being different. 

In the main body of the Victoria Sponge's book, Johnny writes a letter to his mum. It bought tears to my eyes as I wrote and read it back to myself. It reminded me of the difficult times I  had had as a child. No one wants to be a square pin in a round hole especially not a teenager. But there are many adults who experience this feeling deep down too and grapple with self doubt, unworthiness, low self esteem or think themselves unimportant or not good enough. 

This small book is for all of God's children who need encouragement and a greater insight into God's awesome love for those that are different. In His eyes everyone is equal and enormously lovable. 

After writing the letter Johnny receives a visit during the night from God who takes him on a very important journey. 

I hope you will decide to go on that journey too and be hugged by Johnny's story. 

To wet your appetite here is Johnny's letter.....

    “Dear Mum  
   I am sorry for the things I said to you. I don’t hate you mum, I just get so angry inside with myself for being me. I don’t understand who I am, but thank you for your love, for knowing my limitations and accepting them.
   I feel like I am serving a life term in prison. I see you standing out of reach; I try to reach you but my body and mind are trapped behind the bars. I stretch my arms as far as possible but the bars prevent me from reaching you, from hugging you, showing my true feelings. I am a prisoner unable to escape the cell of my disability.
   I long to be free to express my inner self, to be part of your world, to join in and be like everyone else. I hate being different, trapped in a parallel world. A world alien to you and the family. Seeing, unable to partake. There is no key, not even a lock to put a key into, no release.
   I am a reluctant prisoner, confined indefinitely, with no reprieve date. What heinous crime have I committed to be serving this sentence? How do I find freedom?
   I may not show it but I do love you, I always have.
  Thanks for hanging in there for me.

Monday, 6 October 2014

How to help an author promote her book. I need your help please.

I have found this great post from Author, Jody Hedlund, who states ways that readers can help promote authors books. I wonder if there are some lovely, kind, people out there who would have a go at one of these ideas, to help promote my book 'How to make Victoria Sponge'. Thank you and God bless, Margaret.


Dear readers, did you know authors need YOUR help in promoting their books? Yes, they really do!

Many readers already do a superb job promoting the books and authors they love.

Some promote formally by signing up with a publisher’s book review program or with an author who asks for Influencers. (An Influencer is a fancy term for someone who gets a free book for the purpose of helping spread buzz about a new release).

Some readers prefer to help authors on a more informal basis. In fact I’ve met some very sweet readers over the past few years who have book blogs and support authors out of their love for fiction. They’re passionate about what they read and want to share the joy with others.

Whether you help an author formally or informally or both, we appreciate each and every thing our readers do! 

On the other hand, there are many readers who don’t realize just how much authors need their help. Or if they do know, they aren’t really sure what will be most beneficial.

So, how can readers help? There are a zillion different ways! Here are twenty easy but effective things readers can do to spread the buzz about a book:

1. Write a review for an online bookstore. If you’re feeling ambitious, you can even copy and paste that review onto several of your favorite shopping spots.

2. Add the book to your Goodreads shelf. And when you write the review for the online bookstore above, copy and paste it onto Goodreads too.

3. Write a blog review and then invite your followers on Facebook and/or Twitter to come over and hear what you think.

4. While reading the book, post comments on Facebook or Twitter about what you’re reading and what you like about it. On Twitter, you can even use the hashtag #FridayReads (even if it’s not Friday!).

5. When finished reading the book, let your followers know your final thoughts on the book and include a link to the author’s website or book page.

6. Write a review for a print newspaper, magazine, or newsletter.

7. Suggest the book to your book group (if appropriate), whether an online or real life group. Many books have discussion questions available, and many authors are willing to meet with book groups via Skype.

8. After reading the book, give it away as a prize on your blog. Everyone likes the chance to win a free book.

9. Donate your copy of the book to a public, school, or church library, or ask them if they’d be willing to purchase a copy to add to their system.

10. Offer to host the author on your blog. Ask unique and interesting questions that you think your blog readers might enjoy. Be sure to invite your friends and family over to “meet” the author.

11. Start a discussion about the book over on Goodreads in one of your groups. You could even consider asking the author to join you for a Q & A time.

12. If the author is local, invite him or her to speak to your group about the book and writing journey. Offer him or her the opportunity to sign and sell books after the presentation.

13. Pass the book along to all of your family and friends that you think might be interested in reading it. Ask them to pass it along when they’re done.

14. Buy the book as a gift for a holiday, birthday, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Valentine’s Day, etc. Books always make great gifts! Ask the author for a personally addressed and signed bookplate that you can affix in the book.

15. Offer to distribute bookmarks, postcards, or other promotional items the author might have available.

16. Take the book with you to public places (like ball games, doctor’s offices, etc.) and be sure to have a spare bookmark to hand out if someone asks about the book.

17. Pin the cover of the book onto Pinterest onto a board you’ve created for your favorite books. Make sure to link back to the author’s website or book page.

18. Take a picture of yourself with the book (and make it creative!). Post that picture onto your blog, Facebook, or Pinterest.

19. Video tape your review of the book. Keep it short, entertaining, and give a summary of what you liked most. Then upload your video onto Youtube.

20. Most importantly, TALK, TALK, TALK about the book. When you’re genuinely excited about the book with others, then they’ll want to check out the book for themselves.

Friday, 3 October 2014

God is really looking after me.

Wow, wow, wow. I am so in awe of God. 

This  morning I had on my heart that I needed to get 'out there' and find some outlets for my book. It had been suggested that I go to the local book shop and ask if I might be able to do a 'sale or return' option for my book. 

With a brand new printer set up, my laminator smelling of burning and the leaflets ready to be sent to the printer, I pressed print. Nothing happened! I scratched my head, looked at the laptop, checked the wires, connectors, print screen, but all looked in working order. My husband then suggested that I try the on switch! Okay so he does have some good ideas occasionally. After a few mishaps and wrong reversals the deed was done. 

Fired up and ready to go, I planned my route, book shop first, church offices next and finally the Co-op for some chocolate for my daughter!

I lugged ten copies of my book in a library hessian bag, along with the flyers, to the shop. My heart was thumping as I am not used to this sort of first contact. I rehearsed over in my mind what I wanted to say and felt more comfortable about the way I was going to act out this scene. I approached the lady at the counter who was looking at the books in front of her and finally she lifted her eyes to mine and asked if she could help me. I faltered and then bent down to take out my flyer and book. 

"I am a Christian author and I have recently had my first book published."
"Oh that is nice, I am just going through my 'God' books at the moment."  
"I wonder if you would be interested in selling them on a sale or return basis?"
"A Christian book you say." 
"Well it is a Christian novel actually."
"The cover isn't right for a Christian book, it would look out of place. It is too different, people don't like different!" 
(I looked at the other covers and they were all words and boring. None of them appealed to me.)
"It's mean't to look different as it is a novel."
"I don't think it will sell." 
"Um, I actually sold 50 in a week and a half."
"Leave it with me, I need to consult my partners about this, come back in a week as we will have made a decision by then."

I left the shop feeling deflated, that was not how I had written the script. It should have been more like, author enters shop, is greeted by smiling sales lady, gives brief account of book and lady agrees to sell copies. Lord, I had asked you to go before me to set this up - what happened did you get waylaid?

The Church offices were more helpful and seemed happy to give the book a go once they had got permission from their book stall representative. This meant a phone call back at some stage with a yes or no.

I remembered my daughter's chocolate and bought a pack each for my other two children. Everything has to be fair!

At home I contacted a friend of mine and told him what had happened at the book shop. He informed me of a new Christian Book shop, which I had actually walked past without even noticing on my way to the first bookshop! At this point I realized that I actually had not had anything to eat since last night. No wonder I was hungry, but this new information was too juicy to prevent me from going immediately back into town to it check out. This time I did not rehearse the words as I knew this was a 'God' moment. He was picking me up straight away and leading me to the well. I could almost taste the water of success, His success. This was where He wanted me to go, this was where He was. He had gone before me. I had just gone to the wrong place! 

As soon as I stepped over the threshold there was a smile, a lovely lady to receive my pitch and she said 'yes' immediately. And if that was not enough, she declared that she would organize a book signing for early December. How great is our God. How well he looks after us. 

The book shop is called 'Rainbow' and is in Wimborne, in Dorset (England). That too is an answer to prayer, as the locals have been longing and praying for a Christian book shop. But is not just a book shop, it is a place where you can talk and receive prayer as well. 

God is so awesome. If I had not had that reaction at the first book shop I would not have found the other one. Oh how He leads us.

Praise God.


Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Great weekend Conference

It was uplifting to go to a conference at the weekend where we were fed spiritually and physically. 

The 'food' was 'Jesus, hope of the nations'. 

And what 'food' that is. He is our hope, our only hope. 

That is what Victoria Sponge is all about, hope. God's hope for a wonderful relationship with us and our response to that hope in a broken world.

I was delighted to see my book displayed on the Good News Christian book stand, at the weekend. My purpose as always is to promote God, so I was very pleased when people came up and asked me about how 'Victoria Sponge' came about. Here was my opportunity to witness to its birth through to its fruition. This certainly helped with sales but more importantly, showed how God can complete our dreams when we align ourselves with His will. 

I pray that those who were kind enough to purchase "How to make Victoria Sponge" will be blessed by its message and encouraged to hope in God's love for all of us. 

God bless Margaret