Thursday, 26 February 2015

Love letter from God

Recently I have been wondering how to market my book 'How to make Victoria Sponge' in order to increase awareness and sales. Then today as I was looking for some 'pins' for my pinterest site a thought suddenly arose.... 

The book is a love letter from God. 

As Vicki copes with family life each day, God tells and shows Vicki how much he loves her.

This is not a distant relationship but a real love affair. 

God isn't just interested in Vicki, He loves and adores her. 

He delights in her closeness.

They are intimate with each other through prayer/conversation. 

The book may not be a man meets woman saga; instead it is a far greater love affair because it is woman meets God. A scenario that reaps heavenly rewards. The woman will never be disappointed as the relationship is with God. 

This love letter reaches out to every mum who needs encouragement. Who feels overwhelmed with matters of the heart. Whose understanding is, that when the chips are down, God will step in. And He does because He is Love.

God wants us all to have a love affair with Him, to be intimate with Him. To burden Him with our cares. He is the greatest lover of all time and He cares. He will never leave you. 

This is the God of Victoria Sponge, the writer of this love letter.

My fingers were just the instruments by which He used to convey this story.

God bless



Saturday, 14 February 2015

Breaking news, new website online now

I am delighted to tell you that I now have a new website up and running promoting my book, 'How to make Victoria Sponge'. 

Please visit to taste and see what all the fuss is about. Why Victoria Sponge is a great read and can empower the reader to a greater faith in God.

When you have had a look around the site perhaps you might like to leave a comment or even buy the book - that would be wonderful.

So before you forget click on the link:



Friday, 13 February 2015

Teaser for 'How to make Victoria Sponge'

Victoria Sponge, a well-known cake?  Wrong, a wife and mother of four children. Disorganized and chaotic, filled with obligations. Her best friend is God who shares with her His amazing love. From tripping over the hoover left in the hallway to discovering her son’s desire to die because he is different, Victoria journeys through her own Lent. Giving up is not an option, but saying ‘yes’ to God each day is. Tragedy and comical events follow  Vicki through her week but does Victoria Sponge rise through all the messiness that life offers or does she sink? 

(Available on amazon in paperback and kindle,, or from the author (UK only) via email: