Sunday, 1 June 2014


You know that feeling as you are about to bite into a delicious cake. First of all you anticipate its taste, texture, and maybe its effect on your waist line. Then the moment of truth, as teeth, saliva, and tongue work away on the crumbling delicacy. Your mind is trying to decide if the first impression was correct or whether you have been coaxed into a false and disappointing experience. 

Life is like that, perceptions of a person, job, marriage, religion for example, all based on preconceived ideas. Our personal experiences can give us a false idea of life, leaving crumbs of disappointment that lead to poor choices. There is of course the media and all its hype about life. The pressures on mankind to be something that they can never be, constantly bombard our senses, so that when we take that bite we feel disappointed, disillusioned and distrustful of this false world. On the other hand our experiences can be so rose tinted that nothing quite comes up to that same expectation and we continue to look for that 'grass is greener on the other side' scenario. 

However crumbs can also be the result of an enjoyable experience, a gobbling up of the cake because it is so scrumptious. The licking of your finger to get the very last crumb on the plate into your mouth as you don't want to leave any hint or trace of the delicious mouth watering delight. 

Crumbs are what God gives us. Sometimes we turn them into bitter fragments as we distrust them and question their purpose in our life. Other times we see them for what they really are, teasers of a larger delight. If God gave us all of the cake at one go we would not be able to eat it all, we would become 'stuffed' and maybe even feel sick because we have eaten too much. God knows exactly how much we can digest and what is best for each of us. His crumbs will lead us to a greater Love, to His Purpose for our life. His cake will never disappoint us, it might challenge us and test our love for Him, but He will have chosen the portion perfectly.

God delights in us and we must trust His recipe for our life. 

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