Monday, 8 September 2014

Check out these recent reviews for "How to Make Victoria Sponge"

I am so delighted that my book has been received so well since it was published on 28th August. I feel truly blessed by God, and to think that it hasn't even been released on Amazon yet (due 18th Sept). This book was not written to promote me, but to promote the awesomeness of having a relationship with God.

Here are some of the initial reviews:

"A really delightful book, thoughtful, sensitive, faith filled, touching, funny and poignant. As a wife, mother and Christian I find myself all too able to relate to the Character of Victoria Sponge, laughing with her and crying with her as she faces the ups and downs of family life and living in a broken world. A charming and thought provoking read...... I definitely recommend it. A big thumbs up from me!" - Teresa W

"I can't put the book down. I know that I ought to be doing my daily chores but this book has captivated me." - Pam Q

"I am right there with Victoria Sponge feeling everything that is happening." -Elizabeth E

"The book is wonderful, not only does the story speak to me, but the prayers are so powerful and I am going to use them to help me when I need help with praying." - Lucy M

"Brilliant book full of reflected honesty and giggles, a real feel good book. It makes you remember your own children and the chaotic and hectic life that at times made you want to scream cry and laugh at the same time. My children are all in their 20's now but I will always cherish my time with them when they were younger. God is wonderful to us, he gives us our children and sometimes you feel he has just left us to get on with the job and that He has an insane sense of humour But your book shows that he will guide us through their lives and ours if we take the time to pray and to listen to Him." Gwen P

To you O Lord I give the Glory.


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